10 - October
Attending members:
- Jerry Roca (President)
- Jason Boschock (Vice President)
- Ryan Jones (Secretary)
- Jeff Guentner (Comptroller)
Quarum Opened
Remix Challenge (Pivoting Team Focus)
- The team discussed the important point of driving traffic and our lack of continued information.
- We've agreed on a new idea called the Remix Challenge, where we will take existing designs from sites like TinkerCAD, Thingiverse, Makerworld, etc. and recreate them into a video tutorial in TinkerCAD and then reprint them. We will also give credit to the original author.
Donation's Page
- Applies to both the GiveButter.com and FundedYouth.org
- Need a clear overview of where the money is going and how it benefits FundedYouth.
- Campaigns needs to focus on the Mall Space, Public Access, and New Programs.
Measurable Investor Benefits
- To drive investor intrigue it is important that we step back and consider the invenstor. Both small and large. What benefits would an investor gain from a donations aside from a tax write off? Is there a measureable benefit?
- Based on the image, we've developed Course 1. The next step is to begin course 2.
- This will encorporate the Youth Advisory Board along with the Weekly Challenges.
TinkerCAD Weekly Prints
- This has been branded the Remix Challenge
- Produce a weekly video and tutorial on building a 3D object and printing it
Electronics Weekly
- Along the same lines as the 3D Printed Remix Challenge we will start an Electronics version as well.
Lasercraft Weekly
- Lasercraft weekly version of the Remix Challenge
Consolidating Data
- Discussed possible solutions for consolidate the currently collected data and posisble forms for maintaining it. Either SQL or Document style database.
- Will need to pivot from PowerApps one data to a more streamlined solution.
- Postgres or Azure CosmosDB
- Jerry met with Annie. The financial representative handling QuickBooks for FundedYouth.
- Jerry will follow up with Annie about what financial information needs to be publically accessible without request and with a request.
Parkway Mall Space
- We received a follow up from Parkway Mall. A price of $1000/month for the alotted space.
- We have a meeting on Friday to view the space and confirm the possible fit.
- We will need financial backing to maintain the space and grow.
- Discussed cost of current utilies: $800/month
- We need a better check in system for managing the current space and mall space for FundedYouth.
- Need to figure out the cost to move the printer's into the mall space.
09 - September
Attending members:
- Jerry Roca (President)
- Jason Boschock (Vice President)
- Ryan Jones (Secretary)
- Jeff Guentner (Comptroller)
Quarum Opened
Vote to approve Funds
08 - August
Attending members:
- Jerry Roca (President)
- Jason Boschock (Vice President)
- Ryan Jones (Secretary)
- Jeff Guentner (Comptroller)
Quarum Opened
Vote to approve Funds
07 - July
Attending members:
- Jerry Roca (President)
- Jason Boschock (Vice President)
- Ryan Jones (Secretary)
- Jeff Guentner (Comptroller)
Quarum Opened
Vote to remove Thom Hermann as VP but keep as member
- Ryan personally reached out to Thom ahead of the scheduled board meeting to confirm that Thom was okayt with stepping down as the Vice President but still stay on as a board member. Thom agreed to the terms.
- A vote was taken by the board to remove Thom Hermann as Vice President
A vote of 4/4 approved (Majority Vote)
Vote to appoint Jason Boschock as Vice President
- A vote was taken to approve Jason for the role of VP.
- Jason accepted the role.
A vote of 3/4 approved (Majority Vote)
- The following items were discussed only. No vote was taken.
- Discuss the role of Volunteer Project Manager. Follow up via email and text with Vanessa about a virtual meeting.
- Sycuan STEAM Education will arrive Tuesday, June 9th @ 11 AM. A rough estimate of 5-10 teens. Need to be prepared to present and engage. Cover 3D Printing, Co2 Laser, etc.
- Discuss and review pricing for professional videos created by Cook Media.
- Each board member needs to provide a summary to Jason B. for Grant Submissions
- Future planning for Santee Swap Meet Events
- Reach out to new properties
- Mobile Makers Lab
- Connect with Casey Cousins. Best time to approach schools: April to June. Focus on private academies and tribes for now.
06 - June
Attending members:
- Jerry Roca (President)
- Thom Hermann (Vice President)
- Ryan Jones (Secretary)
- Jeff Guentner (Comptroller)
- Jason Boschock (Member)
Quarum Opened
$2500 to RCLasercraft for Lease/Utility for June
A vote of 5/5 approved (Majority Vote)
Request to approve $320 for Tutor LMS Platform, Themes, and Tools
- Initial request in May was below the required amount.
- An additional $20 request was made.
A vote of 5/5 approved (Majority Vote)
05 - May
Attending members:
- Jerry Roca (President)
- Thom Hermann (Vice President)
- Ryan Jones (Secretary)
- Jeff Guentner (Comptroller)
Quarum Opened
$2500 to RCLasercraft for Lease/Utility for May
- Vote taken via poll on email.
A vote of 3/4 approved (Majority Vote)
$5,000.00 for RC Car Course
- Funds will be used to purchase RC Transceivers and Receivers.
- BOM (Bill of Material) needs further review.
A vote of 3/4 approved (Majority Vote)
$50.00 for Minicomputer
- Utilizing a low-cost minicomputer to act as the OctoPrint Server or Klipper Server
- A low-cost alternative to RaspberryPi micro-computer which now cost more than the Sovol Klipper Screen Upgrade. - https://www.ebay.com/itm/284085859038
A vote of 3/4 approved (Majority Vote)
- The computer is initially designed to run ChromeOS. The computer will be wiped, and a lightweight version of Linux (Lubuntu) will be installed.
- Multiple attempts were made to format system with Linux. All attempts failed. System was incompatable. Project was scrapped.
Add Jason Boschock to the board
A vote of 4/4 approved (Majority Vote)
$300 for Purchasing Tutor LMS Package
- Cost Recap: A funds request of $300 to purchase an LMS package for FundedYouth.
- $140 - 200, for the Tutor LMS WordPress Plugin: A professional license with once year support
- $65 for a professional looking theme
- $15-30/year to purchase FundedYouth.Academy (domain)
- Purchase Info:
- A single site professional license with 1 year support is $200. Because we are a non-profit, we'll receive 30% off, for a total of $140. To make the site look professional we need a professional looking theme. The pro-version of the Tutor LMS does not come with their pro themes. Therefore, we will purchase a professional theme supported by Tutor LMS, listed on their site for $65. Finally, we'll need to purchase the Domain: FundedYouth.academy which will initially cost $15/year and then $30/year after the first-time purchase. We already have hosting, which is why that is not factored in.
04 - April
Attending members:
- Jerry Roca (President)
- Thom Hermann (Vice President)
- Ryan Jones (Secretary)
- Jeff Guentner (Comptroller)
Quarum Opened
Thom Hermann | Does he still wish to stay on the board
- Thom has not been showing up to the morning meetings
- Does Thom still wish to be on the board
- Shelved until response.
- Thom responded a week later to confirm he still wished to be on the board.
A vote of 3/4 approved (Majority Vote)
Swap Meet Vehicle Purchase
- A purchase of vehicle for transporting products for events like at the swap meet and other locations. For a detailed breakdown of pricing and tax review the PO document. Vehicle for use: Polaris Ranger XP Kinetic U 2024. Total with tax comes out $10,000.00 USD.
A vote of 3/4 approved (Majority Vote)
03 - March
Attending members:
- Jerry Roca (President)
- Thom Hermann (Vice President)
- Ryan Jones (Secretary)
- Jeff Guentner (Comptroller)
Quarum Opened
Order and Setup QuickBooks
- Annie, a CPA and volunteer will assist in managing QuickBooks.
- Annie is an aquaintance of Jerry Roca
A vote of 4/4 approved (Majority Vote)
Swap Meet Planning and Cost Analysis
- Discuss purchasing foldable tables, canopies, etc.
- Dicussed cost analysis and purchasing materials from RCLasercaft (RCL)
- Initial Request Budget of $100.00 USD
A vote of 4/4 approved (Majority Vote)
Purchase of 10 Chairs for Classroom
- Discuss agreement to purchase assets from RCLasercraft (10 New Office Chairs for Staff and Classroom).
- The cost for these will be \(1000 (\)100x10 {Retail Value $229/Each}) and will be transferred to RClasercraft via Bank Transfer upon approval.
A vote of 4/4 approved (Majority Vote)
Purchase of(x3) 3D Printlab Seats for Dream Academy
- Purchase of (x3) 3D Print Lab seats from RCL. Invoice is attached.
- The cost is $3000, to cover 3 annual 3D-print lab placements. These are packages for Dream Academy.
A vote of 4/4 approved (Majority Vote)
02 - February
Attending members:
- Jerry Roca (President)
- Ryan Jones (Secretary)
- Jeff Guentner (Comptroller)
Quarum Opened
Assign VP Postion for FundedYouth
- Add Thom Hermann to the board and assign him the role as Vice President of the FundedYouth 501(c)3 Nonprofit organization.
- Thom Agreed to the position
A vote of 3/3 approved (Majority Vote)
Dream Academy 3D Printing STEM Package
- FundedYouth will purchase equipment, hardware, services, installation, etc. 3D Printing Package from RCL for a sum total of $3,000.00 USD.
- Upon request, the PO with detailed information of the order can be viewed.
- Package includes (x3) printers with installation.
A vote of 3/3 approved (Majority Vote)
01 - January
FundedYouth is officiated as a 501(c)3 Nonprofit by the state of California Founding members include:
Member | Title |
Jerry Roca | President |
Ryan Jones | Secretary |
Jeff Guentner | Comptroller |